We have an overall goal to develop sustainable farms at New Life to provide for our own needs as much as possible. With the recent addition of generous contributors we will be actively increasing the production and development of sustainable agricultural projects to train and provide for the children and staff of the ministry. As these projects grow and become productive they can provide examples to help the needy produce and provide for themselves.
We have a variety of animal husbandry opportunities.
We are developing our pastureland and have been raising steers for meat the past few years. We have been able sell a few bulls for meat as well as for oxen. We are now in the process of developing our own breed stock and produce our own calves.
In addition, we have been raising a few pigs and our children feed them leftovers. This normally will yield pork twice a year using only the scraps from our dining rooms. We will soon be increasing the production of pigs with the purchase of commercial feed and increasing our pastured pig system.
We have a variety of animal husbandry opportunities in the area. A neighbor with a chicken farm has begun donating undersized chickens for the children to raise. We thank God for His ways of providing. The children feed and water the chickens, then butcher them when they are of the right size.
We will begin an egg production project using “chicken tractors” (movable grazing space), chicken runs, and chicken “hotels.” We will use feed from our own corn and other products.
We are developing our pastureland and have been raising steers for meat the past few years. We have been able sell a few bulls for meat as well as for oxen. We are now in the process of developing our own breed stock and produce our own calves.
In addition, we are raising a few pigs and our children feed them leftovers. This normally will yield pork twice a year using only the scraps from our dining rooms.

We have a successful fish-farming venture in which we have raised and sold tilapia to the neighbors for cash to help cover a small portion of our overhead costs. We have three fishponds and believe that by developing a secure market we can provide all the fish protein that we can use for the children; and provide a cash crop we hope will cover some other costs. Soon we will be renovating and lining a fourth larger pond with EPDM to increase our production of tilapia.
Though we have larger portions of arable land further away from the home, we have dedicated our efforts in perfecting our crops near the home. This will assure a harvest in both wet and dry season with the use of our irrigation system. We are in the process of developing a part of the property with a drip irrigation system to more efficiently use the water available.
The “Orchard House” property provides more than an acre of fruit trees including mangos, tangerines, lemons, oranges, tamarind and other varieties in their season of production. One goal is to have a productive banana plantation and other crops like sugar cane, yuca and other vegetables available year round.
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Though we have larger portions of arable land further away from the home, we have dedicated our efforts in perfecting our crops near the home. This will assure a harvest in both wet and dry season with the use of our irrigation system.
The “Orchard House” property provides more than an acre of fruit trees including mangos, tangerines, lemons, oranges, tamarind and other varieties in their season of production. We have a productive banana plantation and other crops like sugar cane, yuca and other vegetable year round.
Contact us today to learn how you can be a part of what God is doing through our ministry.